Brown Patch
Take all Patch
Spring Dead Spot
Fairy Ring
Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blight
Slime Mould
African Black Beetle – These are a major problem in warm regions and damage lawns by feeding off the root system causing large patches to brown off and die. Lawns need to be sprayed as soon as brown spots appear with Baythroid to prevent further damage.
Turf Diseases
During the humid months of Spring and Summer when your lawn is actively growing it becomes susceptible to several fungii, moulds and diseases any of which can ultimately kill your lawn if not treated promptly. Common chemicals used to control different diseases in turf grasses include Baycor, Rovral, Mancoflo and Mincazeb?. If you are unsure of your particular lawns problem seek professional advice as soon as possible.
Clover – White Clover is a common problem in lawns and usually comes up during winter and early spring. Clover produces prostrate stems that take root at the nodes and soon form a thick green carpet. The leaves are clover shaped and small white flowers are produced above the leaves in spring and autumn. Clover can be easily treated in most lawns with any broad leaf Lawn Weeder & Feeder. Ensure you read the instructions carefully before applying to Buffalo Lawns.
Lawn Armyworm – A major problem in tropical and sub-tropical regions during the summer months. Armyworm is a moth caterpillar that feeds on the turf foliage at night. They come in large numbers and cause rapid damage as they move across turf areas. An indicator of Armyworm is the presence of red wasps. Armyworm can be sprayed with any Lawn Grub killer.
Turf Weeds – Bindii – A wide spread annual weed of turf during winter and early spring. From the stem at the base of the leaves tiny flowers are produced in spring and these turn into burrs of sharp spines. Bindii is best treated in winter before the sprinkle sets and this can be sprayed with Bin-Die
Paspalum – A summer growing perennial weed and is most wide spread in subtropical regions. It is a coarse leaf grass radiating from a wide crown with a deep fibrous root system. Paspalum spreads by rhizomes or from seed germinated in summer. Paspalum can be treated with PasKill.
Nut Grass – is a brute of a lawn weed that spreads by a tough wirey root system and small nut like tubers that form on the roots. It is a perennial weed with grass like leaves with triangular flower stems which bear flowers and seeds in umbrella like heads which are a reddish-purple or brown. Nut grass is extremely difficult to kill, and is best rid by digging out the whole plant making sure you remove all the roots and bulbs as any roots or bulbs left will reproduce. Nut grass must be selectively sprayed with a Glyphosate based herbicide ensuring no chemical is applied to the surrounding lawn and will require repetitive applications.
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